• Courses
  • Multidisciplinary Team Training for Diagnosis of FASD

Multidisciplinary Team Training for Diagnosis of FASD

Level 3

0% Not started

Specialized Expert Training

Multidisciplinary Team Training for Diagnosis of FASD: An online curriculum

This online FASD curriculum is developed to assist professionals in learning the processes, procedures, and in developing the skillset needed to be effective members of a multidisciplinary diagnostic team.

The curriculum is designed for clinical and allied health professionals who are either currently working in FASD clinics or for those who will soon become members of multidisciplinary diagnostic clinic in Canada.

The online course includes common concepts that apply to all disciplines comprising the diagnostic team and focusses on the core concepts that are required for professionals who are involved in making FASD diagnoses. The expectation is that the participants will have a working knowledge of the field, professional competency in their own area of specialty, and exposure to the relevant research literature.

Multidisciplinary Team Training for Diagnosis of FASD is discounted by 25% for residents of the jurisdictional members of CanFASD: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut, and New Brunswick.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will offer to review your decision with you and offer up to a full refund depending on the situation. To process this request, please email info@canfasd.ca proof of your purchase and a description of the reason you require a refund within 30 days of receiving your order.



9 Assessments, 13 Lessons

December 17, 2024 3:56 pm

  • Specialized Expert Training
  • 9 Assessments, 13 Lessons
  • Level 3



This purchase provides a team of up to 10 professionals with 12 months of access to the course content.

Only one paying registrant per clinic is required.

Want to learn more? Become a member to stay informed with FASD research in Canada, click here.
